You have a present
life based on your family, education, culture, friends, teachers, preachers, society
etc. But have you ever thought whether the life you have today is by chance or
you have chosen it? Most of you will have answer that you haven’t chosen this
instead you want to have a life which is not this. Whatever the life you have today, it can be
transformed to a beautiful life that you can dreamed of, and YES YOU CAN
TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE as per your choice. How it will be done, answer to this is
in this beautiful book.
ISBN : 978-9355267184
People always aspire to have more degrees in order to have a better job, career and best life but there is an irony as people, who have degrees, most of them are trapped in the vicious circle of the 9 AM to 5PM jobs, always struggle to meet ends in the life. On the other hand, there are people who don’t have formal degrees but are still thriving. The only obstacle to a fulfilled life is their ‘degrees’. Thus, if you want to achieve big dreams, you need to burn your degrees.
ISBN :978-9354260445
25th Hour is the book for all those who always run and chase the time but there are some techniques which can help you to hat least one extra free hour every day that you utilize to fulfill your dreams. It’s a must read book for all those who always complain for time scarcity.
ISBN : 978-9354076138
Copyright © Rajendra Maurya. All Rights Reserved